Re: [TML]Cool Bit Of PC Dialogue From The Expanse Books
Rupert Boleyn 01 Nov 2018 20:05 UTC
On 02Nov2018 0630, shadow at (via tml list) wrote:
> On 24 Oct 2018 at 20:25, Kelly St. Clair wrote:
>> "There are four kinds of homicide: felonious, excusable, justifiable,
>> and praiseworthy." - Ambrose Bierce
> This quote reminds me of a discussion about different legal systems a
> while back.
> Seems that unlike our legal/illegal setup, Islamic law has *five*
> levels:
> 1. Required (ie things you *must* do)
> 2. Recommended (things you *should* do)
> 3. Permitted (things you are *allowed* to do)
> 4. Discouraged (things you *shouldn't* do)
> 5. Forbidden (things you *must not* do)
That reminds me of the social expectations for British officers in the
Indian Army, which went something like:
A Lieutenant *may not* marry.
A Captain *may* marry.
A Major *should* marry.
A Colonel *must* marry.
Rupert Boleyn <>
Chief Assistant to the Assistant Chief