Re: [TML] Totally and utterly OT question...
Rupert Boleyn 03 Jul 2018 00:25 UTC
On 03Jul2018 1151, Evyn MacDude wrote:
>> a) if a body was beheaded pre- or post-mortem and
> Yes. Take the head off while they are living and you will have blood
> EVERYWHERE. Dead it will puddle around the wound at best. This one you can
> figure out at the scene just by looking.
Even CSI and its clones didn't show the amount of blood that a cut
throat leaves, or how far it sprays. Most movies and TV shows just
aren't even in the right ballpark, probably because if they were people
would complain about the gore.
BTW, something they also don't get right is that you can smell fresh
blood, and it's quite distinctive. All those horror shows where the
characters don't realise there's all this blood until someone turns on
the light? They should be at least saying "What's that smell?", then
turning on the light and getting their nasty shock.
The colour is also almost never right, but that's a fairly well known thing.
Rupert Boleyn <>
Chief Assistant to the Assistant Chief