Re: [TML] on the subject of surface to air missiles
Kurt Feltenberger 06 Feb 2018 05:11 UTC
On 2/5/2018 4:28 PM, Timothy Collinson wrote:
> - am I right in thinking a SAM at TL6 would be line of sight?
Yes; you would need to acquire the target and then the weapon would need
to either beam ride, seek reflected targeting radar, or get a thermal lock.
> - am I right in thinking that at that TL, they're heat seeking - does
> that work with Traveller ships? I know TML has lots of discussion
> about waste heat in space but for this purpose?
For man launched? Yes. It should, especially if the ship is moving.
> - at that TL would they be vehicle mounted by necessity or could you
> have, I don't know, a shoulder mounted thing? (We're out in the
> backwoods so vehicles will be limited - although there must be access
> to the mining camp.)
Either or, depends on the size.
> - would sensors on a Far Trader pick up that kind of thing 'incoming'
> or just if it hits?
I would think that they would have something that would warn them that
something hot is approaching, if only to prevent collisions out of
> - would any of you allow a Single Hit or just say it bounces off?
Depends on the size. Given the strength of a ship's hull, a man
launched SAM would scratch the paint and might sound like someone threw
a handful of gravel the hull.
> - could it hit some external antenna, fuel/waste port, <something>
> that might be damaged instead or would they be armoured like the ship
> at Traveller TLs?
That's up to the GM...
Kurt Feltenberger
“Before today, I was scared to live, after today, I'm scared I'm not living enough." - Me