Re: [TML] Celestial configutation as a part of Traveller mission planning, most remote world in the Imperium, etc Kurt Feltenberger (06 Feb 2018 05:00 UTC)

Re: [TML] Celestial configutation as a part of Traveller mission planning, most remote world in the Imperium, etc Kurt Feltenberger 06 Feb 2018 05:00 UTC

On 2/5/2018 12:58 PM, Caleuche wrote:
> In reality, if a character on a merchant ship has never once needed
> her sidearm in 10 years of work, and there is no requirement to carry
> it, it’s pretty unlikely that she’s strapping on her sidearm every
> morning when leaving her cabin for the bridge.

I have never needed a sidearm in the 29 years I've been able to legally
carry one concealed, yet I still do.  For some people, and I'd suspect
that the average PC is one of them, carrying a firearm (or other weapon
for protection) is about as natural to them as you putting on shoes
before you leave the house.

Kurt Feltenberger
“Before today, I was scared to live, after today, I'm scared I'm not living enough." - Me