Re: [TML] More meteoric reentry thoughts
Kurt Feltenberger 29 Jan 2018 06:56 UTC
On 1/29/2018 1:35 AM, Caleuche wrote:
> I'm sure an Imperium could be retrofitted onto 3d space yet keep the
> concept of remote government, but that would be throwing out several
> decades worth of material. I do like 3d space for gameplay reasons,
> you can plot a local sky map from any point and note important stars
> and how they appear in a random sky and given the random tilts that
> the various ecliptic planes that we know of have it feels like it fits
> spaceflight a bit more if you're not always immediately heading away
> from your launch point in the same plane.
I'm not sure how you could translate the 3I into a 3d format and retain
the key requirement of long travel times from the Capital to the
frontier without completely changing the entire travel time mechanic.
Then you get into the issue that there are so many potential systems
within 50 parsecs (~160 light years) that there is almost no reason to
travel any farther except for wanderlust.
> I mentioned in an earlier thread, but with Traveller 5 rules at least,
> Jumpspace and realspace are 1:1 mapped to each other, at least by
> implication, as you can travel between stars slower than light and
> there's no indication that the distances should be treated differently
> than they appear on the sector maps.
That is the way it has been since day 1.
Kurt Feltenberger
“Before today, I was scared to live, after today, I'm scared I'm not living enough." - Me