Re: [TML] Character creation: characteristics and skills
Tim 30 Dec 2017 08:46 UTC
On Sat, Dec 30, 2017 at 07:59:50AM +0100, Niels Kobschaetzki wrote:
> On 17/12/30 05:14, Bruce Johnson wrote:
> > But in short, let your players create their characters, not their
> > character sheets; then you bring them into your story.
> imho you need a lot of experience with a rule-system to do it that way
> without throwing some kind of balancing completely over board.
In the example, it seemed that the rule-based system was directly
causing an imbalance that would not otherwise have been present, and
everyone could recognize that it was an imbalance. Experience does
help avoid imbalance in other cases, of course.
I'm generally very much a fan of rules-light systems in actual play *.
It's far too easy for rules to become a straightjacket or an end goal
in themselves for my liking.
- Tim
(*) Outside of play, I love analysing rules systems to the last detail.