Re: [TML] Character creation: characteristics and skills
Niels Kobschaetzki 30 Dec 2017 06:59 UTC
On 17/12/30 05:14, Bruce Johnson wrote:
>> On Dec 29, 2017, at 4:46 PM, Niels Kobschaetzki <> wrote:
>> Is there any character generation in Traveller (we play 2nd Edition
>> Mongoose) that allows this? Or at least some kind of modification that
>> bring characteristics and skills of some chosen profession closer
>> together? Maybe a character generation that isn't that randomized?
>Yes, but it’s deeply heretical. “Let your players define who they are”.
>This is a ROLE-playing game, not a RULE-playing game.
>If the rules get in the way of the object of the game, throw them out.
I know but rules are part of a system and depending on system and the
world one cannot go without the other. But it seems that in the case of
Traveller Uncharted Worlds might be a viable alternative.
>But in short, let your players create their characters, not their character sheets; then you bring them into your story.
imho you need a lot of experience with a rule-system to do it that way
without throwing some kind of balancing completely over board.