Re: [TML] "Porting" fiction to Traveller: Plausibility question
Jeff Zeitlin 16 Dec 2017 00:39 UTC
On Fri, 15 Dec 2017 01:21:55 -0800, "shadow at (via tml
list)" <> wrote:
>On 14 Dec 2017 at 20:20, Jeff Zeitlin wrote:
>> Simple question, straight up: Is it plausible that canids (or
>> xenopseudocanids) of some sort could be domesticated and bred up to a
>> size that would make them usable as cavalry mounts?
>It's been done in SF before. The Raj Whitehall stories that are now
>part of the "The General" series from Baen.
That's exactly where I got the idea from; I was thinking that perhaps
Bellevue could be a setting for an "end of the Long Night" campaign,
somewhere rimward of Terra.
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