Re: [TML] "Porting" fiction to Traveller: Plausibility question
shadow@xxxxxx 15 Dec 2017 09:21 UTC
On 14 Dec 2017 at 20:20, Jeff Zeitlin wrote:
> Simple question, straight up: Is it plausible that canids (or
> xenopseudocanids) of some sort could be domesticated and bred up to a
> size that would make them usable as cavalry mounts?
It's been done in SF before. The Raj Whitehall stories that are now
part of the "The General" series from Baen.
Being carnivores complicates supply chains a bit. In the Raj
Whitehall stuff, they carried a lot of dried soy-based food. They'd
mix it with water and cook it then give the dogs a hot meal.
But you definitely lose a lot of the ability to supplement your
mounts feed by grazing/foraging. At least dogs aren't obligate
carnivores the way cats are. So you *can* feed them graing and
veggies though they'd best be cooked.
But even with that, you have a problem with the mounts having to be
willing to bite attackers during combat, but not go after folks on
their side.
Sure there's a similar problem with combat trained horses (moreso
with mounts for armored knights than with cavalry mounts) but it's a
lot worse with a carnivore than a herbivore.
Somebody questioned if canine spines are suitable. *Equine* spines
aren't that well suited to riding.
Leonard Erickson (aka shadow)
shadow at shadowgard dot com