Re: [TML] Princess Iphegenia
Kurt Feltenberger 10 Nov 2017 00:40 UTC
On 11/9/2017 3:47 AM, Timothy Collinson wrote:
> Does anyone know of a published image of Princess Iphegenia? I've had
> a good look through the likely books (MegaTraveller and GURPS Nobles
> etc) although it was quite hasty and I might have missed something.
I seem to recall that she was pictured in one of the Digest Group's
periodicals, wither it was Traveller's Digest or MT Digest, I'm not
sure. The image was standard for the time; a MacPaint style bitmap
image. It was, now that I think about it, accompanied by a picture of
Isis, Dulinor's daughter (who I thought looked much better in her bitmap
Kurt Feltenberger
“Before today, I was scared to live, after today, I'm scared I'm not living enough." - Me