Re: [TML] Materials InVacuum
Amber Witherspoon 09 Nov 2017 09:37 UTC
On 11/8/17, Kelly St. Clair <> wrote:
> On 11/8/2017 7:48 PM, Richard Aiken wrote:
>> Hmmm.
>> When you consider that higher-tech replacement electronics are very
>> likely to be markedly small in volume than the originals, you've
>> essentially got pre-built smuggling spaces scattered the length and
>> breath of every recommissioned ship.
> Unless they find something else/invent something new to go in (some of)
> those spaces.
On 11/8/17, Rupert Boleyn <> wrote
> I expect they'd use the space to put more powerful systems in. However,
> as they won't be the same shape as the originals, you're right. There
> will be odd little void spaces all over the place.
In other words, the spaces that every engineer will fill with
expanding foam before some fumbled fingered idiot fills them with
dropped gear... Unless it's big enough to reach in and grab the gear,
then it gets turned into storage.