Re: [TML] always have someprostitutesready...
David Jaques-Watson 12 Oct 2017 07:19 UTC
Dear Folks
Tim wrote:
> But the sex workers have cottoned on to the fact that 'dressed down' (as
the Scions *think* they
> are), there's a *lot* of money currently talking to them.
> Seems a bit clichéd and possibly patronising to immediately think scam,
but the temptation must
> be huge. I'd prefer a problem to solve I think.
Add to this Andrea's rule:
> Never lie or deceive a client. You simply don't know how they're going to
react if they catch you
> out. The job depends on trust from both sides and certainty on what's
going to happen. Anything
> that reduces either is very bad.
So agreed - don't run a scam. Why not instead run an "Unforgiven"
(<>) or "Heart of Gold"
(<>) scenario: the sex
workers need help (1) defending themselves from someone or (2) taking
revenge on someone.
Alternatively, there's the old chestnut where (3) one of their own has gone
missing, and the local police are not doing anything to follow it up
("they're only prostitutes, after all"). Which, depending on the outcome,
could also lead to scenario #2, above... ;-)
David "Hyphen" Jaques-Watson Beowulf Down (Tavonni/Vilis/SM 1520)
"I file things in historical order, with a hashing algorithm of gravity"