Re: [TML] Sargassos of Space 25 Aug 2017 20:26 UTC
Greetings Graham,
The Battle of Two Suns midway between Yres (Spinward Marches 1802) and Menorb (Spinward Marches 1803) would be a good 'Sargasso of space' location.
IMTU: Any travellers arriving at the battlefield will find thousands of workers salvaging / repairing / splicing together the damaged starships to space worthiness. They are not Imperial, Zhodani, or Vargr.
Sabmiqys (Antares/Gimgir-2117)
A lovely world littered with the remains of visiting starships, the native AI robots are extremely dangerous. This place is interdicted for a good reason.
IMTU: Something escaped from here.
Also, the Space 1999 episode "Dragon's Domain" had a 'Sargasso of space' with a nasty alien that was looking for a happy meal.
Clifford Linehan
From: "Graham Donald (via tml list)" <>
Something that is harder to fit into the standard Traveller Universe (Unless you head far to Spinward) is the idea of a 'Sargasso of space' a location where for whatever reason lost spacecraft conglomerate in large numbers.
Actress Tells All: "I Felt Bloated, Tired...Now I Know Why"