On 8/25/2017 11:18 AM, C. Berry wrote: > The CG field is handwavium, so it requires as much power as the rules > say it requires. :) But there's no *physics* reason for it to require > any nonzero amount of power. Heck, it could emit power, and unicorns > that fart rainbows. The whole idea of CG has some very fundamental > problems in terms of real physics, so once you allow it in, you open the > door to anything. That way lies madness. Seriously. Once you take logic and consistency off the table, you're not playing science fiction anymore, IMO. Might as well strap swans or reindeer to your scout/courier and let them provide the motive power. Or say, "My finger guns are disintegrator pistols." You don't have to specify /how/ it works, exactly. But however it /does/ work, everything else has to work logically from that and interact with physics in predictable ways. Otherwise it's magic, and not the Clarkian kind either. -- --------------- Kelly St. Clair xxxxxx@efn.org