ESSAY QUESTION: What Is A Traveller? Jeff Zeitlin (09 Aug 2017 23:58 UTC)
Re: [TML] ESSAY QUESTION: What Is A Traveller? greg caires (10 Aug 2017 16:28 UTC)

ESSAY QUESTION: What Is A Traveller? Jeff Zeitlin 09 Aug 2017 23:58 UTC

In the past, many of the questions posed in the section of Freelance
Traveller called "Essay Question" were more or less questions trying
to define Traveller-the-game. For this one, I have a different intent:

Ultimately, rather than placing these as answers to an Essay Question,
I want to put together a lecture for the introductory session of a
class in the School of Sociological Studies at Imperial U (and it will
be included in the "Lecture Hall and Library" section of the
magazine/site). This first lecture, in addition to covering the class
requirements (not included in the planned printing in the magazine/on
the website), will outline in broad strokes the answer to the question
"What Is A Traveller?" - in other words, what are the psychological
and/or sociological characteristics of the kind of person who becomes
[in game terms] a player character? I want your thoughts on this, but
note that ideally it accounts for being in any prior career, and
without going into any great depth on reasons (that's part of what
would be studies over the course of the semester).

The more different responses I get, the better I will like it;
ultimately, I will be taking what I get, combining it with my own
thoughts, and turning it into that first lecture. I will credit my
sources in footnotes/end notes; if you would like to be cited as an
"in-universe" scholar, include that scholar's name with your essay.

Either sending your essays direct to me or posting them here on the
TML will be satisfactory ways of getting them to me.

®Traveller is a registered trademark of
Far Future Enterprises, 1977-2017. Use of
the trademark in this notice and in the
referenced materials is not intended to
infringe or devalue the trademark.

Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
    The Electronic Fan-Supported Traveller® Resource

Freelance Traveller extends its thanks to the following
enterprises for hosting services:

onCloud/CyberWeb Enterprises (
The Traveller Downport (