Re: [TML] Changing The Jump Drive Limit?
Phil Pugliese 25 Jul 2017 22:51 UTC
On Tue, 7/25/17, Bruce Johnson <xxxxxx@Pharmacy.Arizona.EDU> wrote:
Subject: Re: [TML] Changing The Jump Drive Limit?
To: "" <>
Date: Tuesday, July 25, 2017, 2:13 PM
Phil is talking about Pop 9, TL 8
worlds in an environment where Jump Drive has existed for
some 4000 years; population at our scale and at a TL higher
than the we are today.
These worlds aren’t regressing
to nothing, if we knew that Jump drive was possible today
and had universities and libraries with the theory and
practice, but just lacked the manufacturing capability, we
could do it. It would be expensive, not
work the best and take a long time, but we could do
Actually, that's not really what I meant;
My point was that a world of that TL would do just fine if "the starships just stopped coming".
Whether or not such a system would decide to embark upon this scheme " we could do it. It would be expensive, not
work the best and take a long time, but we could do it" , would depend upon a great number of variables. Just look at the starts & fits the US space program has experienced. (Believe it or not but, back in the late '70's, US Senator William Proxmire, a model of PC liberalism, once proposed that the US gove stop "wasting" it's money preserving the 'moon rocks' brought back by the Apollo missions! He certainly didn't have much use them!)
I no propose that just about any system w/ a habitable planet/s could also survive, one way or another.
According to canon, the research station at Reference (0,0) was deserted during the Long Night.
The planet was unlivable (poison atmo) but there is still a remnant pop surviving under the station's dome after all these centuries.