Traveller PBP Looking for Players Eris Reddoch (21 Apr 2017 20:50 UTC)
Re: [TML] Traveller PBP Looking for Players Mark Urbin (24 Apr 2017 17:33 UTC)

Traveller PBP Looking for Players Eris Reddoch 21 Apr 2017 20:50 UTC

I'm starting up a Play By Post Traveller Game on The Ruins of
Murkhill forum. I have two players signed up and can take as
many as six more. I have a map up and a few posts about
character gen up, but I'm just getting started. Here's a link
to the forum:


I'll be using mostly CT rules with bits and pieces thrown in
from other versions and some house rules, of course. Books 1-3
+ Supplement 4 (without Imperium), a bit from Mongoose, a bit
from other places, but mostly very old school small ship/small
setting Traveller.

The posting rate will be 1 or 2 a day, more when the action is
heavy, less when things are slow. Checking in once a day
should keep you up to speed just fine. PBP games are slow,
even glacial at times, that's just the nature of this sort of

If you are interested read on and then go take a look at the
link above. We can talk about it here, or over there.

The setting is my own, the Mantan Sector. It is filled with
very small empires and lots and lots of independent planets.
There is no Imperium, Zhodani Empire, and Sol/Terra isn't
known to exist. There are relics and ruins of past there are "ancients" but no "Ancients" if
you get my drift. There is no over arching history or
backstory except what the PC's might discover through play.
All in all, it's just a big sandbox for us to play in.

System tech levels are mostly A or lower. However, B and C TL
systems do exist, but only one or two per quadrant and the
PC's may never visit one.

Jump 1 is normal with Jump 2 only found in a few ships, mostly
military. Jump 3+ ships are unknown. You can only jump from
occupied hex to occupied hex, making mains very important.
There are a few "deep space refueling stations" in existence
that connect systems that are a J2 apart and generally connect
mains to each other. Where such refueling stations don't
exist, or haven't been found, systems...even clusters of
systems...are cut off from trade. Finding empty hex points
that ships can use is possible, very lucrative, very hard and
very, very, dangerous.

There is little to prevent piracy, or it's legal version
privateering, so there is a good bit of it around.
Consequently, even small merchant ships tend to be armed and

The population is overwhelmingly human, but there are Vargr,
Bwaps, Ursa, and other races around. The PC's are human,
though, and aliens will be rare and novel contacts.

The campaign starts with the PC's crewing a 400 dton Fat
Trader who has been chartered to transport Chief Factor Lois
Cho and her assistants from the Patagonia system to the Mantan
system about 7 parsecs away. Cho's employer, Delgado Trading,
is opening a trading mission on Mantan in an attempt to "open
up this subsector." The Mantan subsector is almost totally
unknown territory to both the PC's and Cho's people so it'll
be exploration all the way. All you know is that Mantan is
supposed to be "the big dog" in the subsector, so that's why
Cho is setting up Delgado's factory (an establishment for
traders carrying on business in a foreign country) there.

Once the PC's get Cho to Mantan, and she sets up her Factory,
they will be on their own in the middle of new and unexplored,
by anyone they know, territory. They will have a multitude of
options for what to do next.

I'm really wanting to get this game going. I think it will be
fun, slow, but fun. I hope to see you there!

   the Traveller Heretic!