Re: THUDD guns ? Jonathan Clark 28 Jan 2017 00:13 UTC

Thanks, everyone.

Evyn MacDude wrote:

>     The Splat Gun, is a Space Gamer #56 thingy for CT. It fires 10 rounds at once, knida, 5 HEAP
>     shells are fired immediately followed up by 4 HE rounds. Designed as anti Armor shotgun with one
>     shot.

That sounds like it's what I was remembering. Plugging the correct name into Google gives me
some useful links, including one to the Imperial Lines article. Amazingly, I apparently own
a copy of this publication. Next is to see if I can find it in my basement... Once upon a time
my collection was organized, but between random accesses to publications which were never quite
put back correctly, and a flood, this has gotten disorganized.

>     I am surprised the Thudd Gun didn't give a whole bunch of 40k Orc references....

I did indeed get a zillion references to a multi-barrel fantasy wargame weapon, they probably
were to WarHammer, and in my ignorance of such things I wrote 'world of warcraft'. I did also
get many references to the ship design competition.
