Re: [TML] Question: Can computers and robots operate a ship without a living being onboard?
Christopher Sean Hilton 10 Jan 2017 23:13 UTC
On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 02:23:09PM -0800, Chuck McKnight wrote:
> I dunno, having just watched Passengers I was reminded of the
> importance of a skeleton crew to handle unforeseen emergencies that the
> AI couldn’t. ;-)
In the movies human beings always solve the problem in the nick of
time. It makes for a good story but more frequently than not, the "AI"
that can't handle an unforseen emergency is a contrivance of the plot.
__o "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
_`\<,_ -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton [chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]