differences between The Traveller Adventure and Aramis: The Traveller Adventure
Timothy Collinson 04 Jan 2017 15:32 UTC
I've been working through the two books as I'm running the adventure
to spot differences and in particular note rule changes. I'm
presently using illustrations and maps/plans from TTA but MgT1 rules
(although we're about to introduce actual trading and that will be
I''ve only got as far page 63 (and the March Harrier stuff at the end)
so this is not complete yet, but it might be a while before I finish
so I thought this might be helpful as someone over on Google+ was
asking for it.
I'm not going to guarantee it's exhaustive either as I was doing it
fairly rapidly (it's really tedious work). But just in case it's
useful to someone.
(It's really aimed at someone with A:TTA who wants to know what's
changed from the original, but it should work both ways if you're a
grognard who has not bought the new one).