Challenge coins have arrived! Phil Pugliese 18 Nov 2016 22:31 UTC


And I got lucky, ( altho there *is* a slight blemish on one :-(   ), by receiving #'s 012, 070, & 960.

12 Commander (Lt Coronel O5), Headquarters, First Battalion (Lift Infantry), 4518th Lift Infantry Regiment

70 Battery Commander (Captain O3), Epsilon Battery (Artillery), Second Battalion (Lift Infantry), 4518th Lift Infantry Regiment

960 Fourth Sqd Ldr (Sgt S3), First Platoon, Gamma Company (Infantry), Eighth Reserve Battalion PKF, 4518th Lift Infantry Regiment

BTW, anybody else notice that colonel has been misspelled ever since the roster was posted?
Or maybe that's the way it's spelled in Galanglic? Or just peculiar to Regina?

Also included was one of those plastic ID cards that MM periodically dispenses.
This one awards an SEH w/ Diamonds for extreme heroism during the Battle of Jewell.

p.s. A friend suggested that 'PKF' stands for 'Psycho-Kinetic Force'. He said he figures that if the regiment includes 'anti-psionic' units then why not? Hmmm, don't know 'bout that but who knows?