Scenario Fodder: The Siege Of Jadotville
Kurt Feltenberger 17 Oct 2016 01:16 UTC
I was unaware of this event until I saw the movie, The Siege Of
Jadotville, on Netflix. The actual event - a company of Irish troops
stationed in the middle of nowhere and pretty much hung out to dry by
the UN authority on the ground, Operation Morthor pretty much spinning
out of control, the death of the UN Secretary General on the way to try
and calm things down, and then the UN's and Ireland's reaction in the
aftermath, all make excellent fodder for what could be an extended
Traveller campaign.
If you have Netflix, watch the movie. Beyond the historical
significance of the events chronicled, just about every scene has good
fodder for a game. Then, when you dig deeper into the actual historical
events not just of what happened to A Company, 35th Battalion, but
Operation Morthor (especially the coverup of the radio station massacre
by Indian troops), and the broader Congo war, and it's something that
could almost be transplanted as-is to the 3d Imperium.
Kurt Feltenberger
“Before today, I was scared to live, after today, I'm scared I'm not
living enough." - Me