Re: [TML] TTA: more of Pysadi
Freelance Traveller 14 Oct 2016 22:33 UTC
On Fri, 14 Oct 2016 19:54:19 +0100, Timothy Collinson
<> wrote:
>[Executive summary: TTA - lots of fun! Anyone got a meta-tip for question
>at end?]
Sir, once you have completed the adventure, you _must_ write up an
after-action report like this installment (and include this
installment!) and send it to me for Raconteurs' Rest.
(btw, I don't have a Confession for this coming issue; if you want to
continue with the column, possibly with a new title ("Ruminations on
Refereeing"?), let me know, and we can start with the new title for
January/February 2017. Or, if you have #25 ready to send, drop it on me
within about a week, and we're good for this issue [Nov/Dec '16].)
Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
The Electronic Fan-Supported
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