Re: [TML] System generator: Tech levels on Barren Moons
shadow@xxxxxx 07 Oct 2016 00:31 UTC
On 6 Oct 2016 at 18:41, Christopher Sean Hilton wrote:
> I know that most people don't use an in-house setting. This is a "if
> you used an in-house sector..." question. The CT Book 6 rules state
> that the subordinate tech level should be the main world tech level
> minus one. My feeling is that this doesn't make that much sense for a
> world with pop 0, gov 0, law 0. I feel this way because I'm
> interpreting the tech level to be reflect what's locally available in
> the market and world with no population doesn't have a market.
Pop 0 doesn't necessarily mean no population. It could mean no
*permanent* population.
But yeah, it's probably a "we didn't think of that" situation.
Or it could be that the "tech llevel" is for some sort of automated
Leonard Erickson (aka shadow)
shadow at shadowgard dot com