Jabru, a side note... Freelance Traveller 08 Sep 2016 00:27 UTC

For those that asked...

The word "Jabru" as the name of the solicited adventure and the "title"
character was chosen as a not-unlikely slurring/wearing-down of the word
for "devil" in several primarily-Latin-derived languages. The IPA
representation of the "J" sound (as it generally occurs in English) is,
roughly, 'd3', where the 3 is the flat-topped orthographic variant, and
is an old-style descender (and represents the sound of the "z" in
"azure" or the "s" in "measure". The 'd3' sound is more-or-less a blend
of "d" with the sound represented by '3', and is a not-unreasonable
'slurring' of the "di" combination. The word for "devil" generally has
an "l" as its final consonant, but it is known that (linguistically),
"l" can be substituted for "r" (and vice-versa) under certain
circumstances (this is a stereotype 'against' speakers of Sinitic
language learning English late in life); it should thus be fairly clear
what the 'evolution' from "diable/diablo" to "jabru" is.

The authors of the submitted adventures all appear to have more-or-less
"caught" this in writing their responses to the challenge/solicitation,
but clearly not everyone did.

Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
    The Electronic Fan-Supported
    Traveller® Fanzine and Resource


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