Re: [TML] Fantasy supplement? Jonathan Clark (09 Aug 2016 00:02 UTC)
Re: [TML] Fantasy supplement? Fred Kiesche (09 Aug 2016 01:26 UTC)

Re: [TML] Fantasy supplement? Jonathan Clark 09 Aug 2016 00:01 UTC

>     Are there any supplements for Traveller (especially Classic, or stuff vaguely compatible) that
>     add rules for Fantasy stuff like that found in Dungeons and Dragons? I mean, there's psionics,
>     but for some people, that's not quite magic enough!

There was the Aldreth supplement. I think I may have a PDF of it somewhere if it's not
otherwise online.

Picking up on a couple of questions I was asked earlier:

Timothy Collinson:

     >My players *hate* me for using [alien] names for NPCs, places, starships, etc.
     >I told them to be grateful I was still using ASCII :-)

     Why do they hate it?

Interesting question. Two love it, because of the alien-ness it introduces. One would
like to love it, but he is dyslexic, so has his computer read everything to him, and of
course it fails miserably when faced with non-English words. I do sympathize, and he's
told me not to worry about it. One is fine with it, and two hate it, because they are
more into roll-playing than role-playing. Sigh. Who'd be a GM?

Bruce Johnson:

     > A long time ago now, my PC in a fantasy campaign was getting married (it was the climax
     > of a big long adventure)...  Sure enough, I got assassinated

     You’re GM’s initials aren’t ‘GRRM’, are they? :-)

No, but thanks for the warning! :-)

It did actually make sense within the context of the campaign. Mine and one other PC had
(slightly accidentally) thwarted the deep- and long-laid plans of a third PC. This was his
in-character revenge and, for him, it was perfectly in-character. I salute the GM for being
brave enough to run with it and carry it off.

I got my out-of-character revenge by returning as the dead character's unborn daughter,
the arch-mage/fashion-plate (don't ask). Many other tales hang on that thread :-)
