Re: [TML] Fast travel [MongT1]
Bruce Johnson 04 Aug 2016 16:32 UTC
> On Aug 3, 2016, at 3:35 PM, Jonathan Clark <> wrote:
>> Players have their PCs do ridiculous stuff like sleep in their armor because they've been in
>> games where if they didn't, the GM would murder them in their sleep.
> A long time ago now, my PC in a fantasy campaign was getting married (it was the climax
> of a big long adventure).
> I thought long and hard about wearing armour to my own wedding, even had my horoscope cast.
> Eventually I decided against it. Sure enough, I got assassinated (shortly after saying 'I do',
> which came in useful later on). The GM explained to me, after I cooled down a bit, how it
> fitted with the storyline, and it did make sense. Sigh. I liked that character.
You’re GM’s initials aren’t ‘GRRM’, are they? :-)
Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group
Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs