Re: Multi Jumping is no big deal since LBB5v1, was Re: Incredibly efficient! was Re: [TML] L-Hyd not necessary for jumping & misc.... Phil Pugliese 21 May 2016 22:37 UTC

On Sat, 5/21/16, <> wrote:

 Subject: Re: Multi Jumping is no big deal since LBB5v1, was Re: Incredibly efficient! was Re: [TML] L-Hyd not necessary for jumping & misc....
 To: "TML" <>
 Date: Saturday, May 21, 2016, 6:06 AM

 PDT Phil,

 From: "Phil
 Pugliese (via tml list)"
 To: "TML" <>
 Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 11:00:59 PM
 Subject: Re: Multi Jumping is no big deal since
 LBB5v1, was Re: Incredibly efficient! was Re: [TML] L-Hyd
 not necessary for jumping & misc....

 >Depends on what you mean by "ruleset".

 >I consider both LBB5's to be part of the same
 ruleset, ie:CT (T1)

 >I can't really see treating each book as
 separate ruleset even if one book is a revised version of
 the other.

 I have the ten FFE CT reprints purchased back in 2000
 until I what I believe is the complete set. Then I have my
 dog-eared copy if CT LBB 1-3 1977, CT LBB 5 HG 1979, two of
 CT HG 1980 (1st and 15th printings), Striker 1981, and
 Supplement 12 1983. I've also have a copy of LBB 8,
 which is buried at the bottom of one of the book piles I
 have, unfortunately I'm not sure which pile and I'd
 rather not tip any of them over.;-)

 In FFE CT 001 LBB 0-8 LBB
 1-3 are 1977/1981 3rd Printings and LBB 5 1980 12th
 printing. Anyone purchasing a complete set of CT after 1981
 would not have known about material dropped, dumped, or
 omitted from the 1977 to 1980 issued LBBs. Okay, if the
 individual meets someone with the older version of the rule
 set they will discover what disappeared with the revised

 Tom R


All true. (Although I prefer the term 'omitted' rather than "did away with, etc) In fact, I think most of us probably didn't 'buy-in' at the very dawn of Traveller, so there would be gaps there & also gaps if one or another of us didn't keep up w/ all the pubs.
So then, & since few of us live in void, devoid of any contact w/ others, what do you do when someone else trots out their very much 'official' LBB, etc. & points out something that you or I wasn't aware of?
Well, one option is, "I never saw or heard of that before now so get rid of it or get lost!".
Or, perhaps some other response would be more appropo?
In my mind the old rules would still be valid *unless* specifically & explicitly contradicted by a later version.
And even in that case (re: jump torps) I believe there should be some leeway esp considering the adv involving the 'Leviathan' .
Also, in LBB5 it is explicitly stated that the LBB2 rules for starship creation are *still* valid despite the fact that they don't  jibe w/ LBB5.
