In this case, I don't mean the Traveller rule book(s); I'm referring to
novels and series of SF that you've read and enjoyed.
What novels or series have you read that you could see a Traveller
campaign being run in? How would you have to tweak the rules to make the
story universe work, and what "knock-on" effects do you see? Does the
universe in question seem to be conducive to one kind of campaign over
another? Why do you feel that the universe is suitable for Traveller?
Inquiring minds (or at least one inquiring something-that-at-least-
sorta-resembles-a-mind) want to know!
Note: While discussion of the "old standbys" that are said to have
influenced Traveller is certainly not to be discouraged, I think it
would be more interesting to "look farther afield" and consider novels
that were contemporary but not named as influences, or novels that
post-date Traveller, even by decades. Digressions as to how you might
render this or that alien or culture from a novel into Traveller terms
might also be of interest...
Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
The Electronic Fan-Supported
Traveller® Fanzine and Resource
®Traveller is a registered trademark of
Far Future Enterprises, 1977-2014. Use of
the trademark in this notice and in the
referenced materials is not intended to
infringe or devalue the trademark.
Freelance Traveller extends its thanks to the following
enterprises for hosting services:
CyberNET Web Hosting (
The Traveller Downport (