Re: [TML] Instant city Bruce Johnson 16 Feb 2016 16:49 UTC

> On Feb 15, 2016, at 11:09 PM, Greg Chalik <> wrote:
> So what are the chances of there being a misjump into space too far from any star system per different rules?

The misjump rules are pretty straightforward, aside from the ‘you didn’t go anywhere, and now you have to repair your jump drive’, ‘your jump drive exploded’, ‘your ship exploded and you all died’ and ‘you went into jump space, THEN  your ship exploded and you all died’ options, it’s one d6 for hex facing, then, (iirc) 1d6 worth of d6 for number of parsecs in that direction.

Then look here: <> and see how many empty hexes there are. Most subsectors are more than 50% empty hexes.

Your odds are pretty good of misjumping into an empty hex.

If you cannot repair your drive, and/or find fuel to make the jump, by finding some icy body that’s findable in deep interstellar space, you’re screwed.

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group

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