Perhaps Patreon might be a means of ongoing support? I'd love to see new
work from LKW on an ongoing basis!
If someone's in contact with Loren, they might suggest it.
On 28/06/2015 2:35 AM, Richard Aiken wrote:
> Hi All,
> I just received the following, directly from Loren's email (not
> filtered through the list's new simplelist's identity):
> "The appeal (despite the typos) was quite genuine. I thank you for
> your concern, and you can tell the TML that I still need the money.
> Loren Wiseman"
> --
> Richard Aiken
> "Never insult anyone by accident." Robert A. Heinlein
> "A word to the wise ain't necessary -- it's the stupid ones that need
> the advice." - Bill Cosby
> "We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us
> dangerous." Dean Winchester
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