On 31/07/2015 8:59 AM, Bruce Johnson wrote: > >> On Jul 30, 2015, at 2:35 PM, Greg Chalik <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote: >> >> It seems to me that continuous and intense early Aslant warfare kept population down. > Warfare and the territory required to feed carnivores the size of Aslan. A typical lion pride needs about 100 square miles of territory. > > pre-agricultural Aslan undoubtedly needed enormous ranges; more intensive ranching would enable higher population densities; but frankly, it takes a pretty sizeable suspension of disbelief to envision an obligate carnivore developing a highly technical civilization, inasmuch as the population density to support technological innovation is pretty much impossible to sustain without intensive agriculture, and a diet comprised of a lot of non-meat. > > Even the most efficient herding systems are still quite inefficient at providing sustenance for large populations. > > Now, if Aslan were yet another of Gramps’ (or his kids) toys/experiments/servant races like Vargr or Humans, I could see them developing an advanced technological civilization. > > Doing it on their own requires some large Step 2 miracles. > Could this effectively explain why the Aslan have expanded so quickly in the short time (compared to the other major races) since the developed/acquired jump drive? Brett.