On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 8:05 AM, Phil Pugliese (via tml list) <xxxxxx@simplelists.com> wrote: > I wouldn't be surprised if an impoverished aslan land-holder was more esteemed than a much richer but landless one.. Presumably, it depends. If you "own" a continent on a frontier world, that's land-rich, buy only if you're there, and less so, further way. If you "own" something like Long Island in New York, it's a lot less land area, but it generates a lot more wealth than does a continent on a primitive frontier planet 8 months away. Consider the Aslan Hiltons: small plots of land, all over the place, but they all have commercial buildings that produce a lot of income. :) Being land-rich is about having the land, but it also has to be about generating *income* from the land, and being able to generate enough income to be able to maintain a big enough and strong enough household to *keep* the land when some other Aslan comes sniffing around looking for their own land to claim. Related is how well populated that continent is- if you own a continent the size South America, and it's a new colony, and the known population is the 80 Aslan in your landgrab party, you're still not all that wealthy. A slightly larger band of ihatei could just jump your claim, rather than waving politely and envying your good luck, as the go zooming past on their search for their own planet to colonize. Which is another wrinkle to slow Aslan expansion- you don't have to find *open* land, you just have to find some land you can *claim*. Ihatei fleets from high-pop worlds might have 5k Aslan troops in cold sleep, looking for an underpopulated world to settle on, and work on, in return for land grants. Or maybe they are just gonna settle in; I mean, if nobody is currently using all that land in the Argentina-analog.... -- "Any sufficiently advanced parody is indistinguishable from a genuine kook." -Alan Morgan