Re: [TML] Captain, the USS AMANA is in radar range
John Groth 25 Jul 2015 04:04 UTC
Kurt Feltenberger wrote:
> On 7/24/2015 11:42 PM, Christopher Hilton wrote:
>> I don't disagree, I do the same thing. I'm assuming that this thread
>> is about some peoples need to neuter the tech in Traveller so the
>> players can't do something really anti-social like run a Type S to
>> 0.2c and then smack it into a world, or, to steal from Niven, start a
>> fusion drive a tens of meters over an some sophant's inhabited home
>> and hover for a few minutes. Is that the case?
> If it should be possible, then it should be possible. If the PCs want
> to waste a world with a Type-S, and there's nothing in the rules that
> say it can't be done, then it should be possible. The very calculation
> used to determine travel times pretty much codifies that this *can* be
> done as there doesn't appear to be an upper limit on potential velocity.
The key question is, why *should* a group of PCs want to destroy a
world? Unless you're running a Pocket Empires campaign, there's little
incentive for most PC groups to lay waste to worlds.