Re: [TML] Traveller Interactive Fiction
Edward Anderson 11 Jul 2015 01:06 UTC
> Other than the (obvious) Traveller background/terminology/props, what
> features of Traveller-the-RPG would you want to see included in the
> game? How do you envision those features affecting game play?
I'd start the process with a simple sequence for a "character" builder. Use
the initial decision stream to loosely define the character - miltary,
engineer, pilot, medic, or whatever.
Closest simile is the old Ultima generators - options with 3 or 4 choices,
similar to
"You see a young woman running down the street. As she goes around the
corner, you see an angry crowd pursuing her. Do you..."
A) Point in the direction she turned, yelling "She went that way"
B) Keep silent, since you have no indication of the reason for the chase.
C) Direct the mob in the opposite direction she turned, giving her a better
chance to escape
D) Join the chase, in the hope you can catch her yourself, and be a hero
The scenario and choices would, of course, be more Traveller-centric, but
you get the idea.
Later in the storyline, that initial sequence could give the player bonuses
or additional options based on those initial choices. For example, if you
pointed the wrong way, and she escaped, maybe later she would show up and
assist the player.
Ed "Dalthor Et Magera" Anderson
Another classic game fan