On 24 Jun 2015 at 9:49, Craig Berry wrote: > > On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 9:42 AM, Richard Aiken <raikenclw@gmail.com> > wrote: > Basically, in space if you can see it, you can shoot it. And you can > almost always see it. > > I liked someone's recent analogy here that a space battle is like a > firefight between people armed with rifles on an infinitely large, > perfectly flat, well-lit plane. Sometimes there's one large rock on > the plane, in which case usually the battle is about one side either > trying to reach the rock, or to get sufficiently far away from it. Arrows work better for the analogy. Unlike rifles, the flight time is long enough that missing is possible if you dodge *after* the other guy fires. -- Leonard Erickson (aka shadow) shadow at shadowgard dot com