Re: [TML] Memory Alpha for T4?
Jeff Zeitlin 20 Jan 2025 23:06 UTC
On Mon, 20 Jan 2025 22:42:59 -0000, Ewan Quibell wrote:
>Its also short adventure 8 in the short adventures book, and on the Classic Traveller CD as Double 8.
Yes, Paul seems to have most of his Classic Traveller material from the
various CD-ROMs (I know he has the CT CD and all three Apocrypha CDs); I'm
assuming that he's looking at D08 from the CT CD. To quote from the front
matter therein:
>Memory Alpha was the fabled "lost" adventure: published in limited
>numbers, the original was lost and the GDW library did not receive a copy.
>This text was made available through the efforts of archivists Paul Sanders
>and John Macek.
>This short adventure was originally produced by Game Designers'
>Workshop as a tournament adventure played at GenCon and Origins in 1984,
>A variant was produced for the T4 edition of Traveller (set in the early
I didn't think to look in the GM screen on the T4 CD (which I have; I don't
know if Paul has it), which is why I passed his inquiry to the list.
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