Re: [TML] [Freelance Traveller] January/February 2025 Posted for Download! Jeff Zeitlin (10 Jan 2025 20:46 UTC)

Re: [TML] [Freelance Traveller] January/February 2025 Posted for Download! Jeff Zeitlin 10 Jan 2025 20:46 UTC

On Fri, 10 Jan 2025 12:24:00 -0500, kaladorn wrote:

>For Timothy and Jeff:
>Even more bizarre (to me): Someone on Reddit was asking some questions
>about legalities and what might get them in hot water. He was a bit
>unclear, but he clarified by saying it was in the context of filibuster...
>But the definition he was using is one that I think is older and not much
>used anymore:
>A filibuster (from the Spanish filibustero), also known as a
>freebooter, is someone
>who engages in an unauthorized military expedition into a foreign country
>or territory to foster or support a political revolution or secession.
>As a software developer, I'd call that kind of use 'overloading'....

Yes, but it's the modern legislative procedure that's the overload; the
freebooter meaning predates the legislative procedure. That doesn't mean
that the procedure itself is more recent than the military meaning; Cato
the Younger would often obstruct the business of the Roman Senate by
speaking at extreme length (that is, "filibustering", in the modern
legislative sense).

See for the legislative use, and for the military

Filibustering in the military sense is at present considered to be illegal,
and a sponsoring state entity can have international sanctions imposed, and
the individuals actually part of the filibustering unit subject to arrest

Filibustering in the legislative sense is a perfectly valid, if obnoxious,
tactic for delaying or preventing legislative action that the filibustering
member(s) object to.

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Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
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