Re: [TML] Freelance Traveller : Bulk download?
Jeff Zeitlin 25 Nov 2024 14:51 UTC
On Sun, 24 Nov 2024 19:09:34 +0000, Vareck wrote:
>I hope this isn't too obvious a question and I'm just missing the link, but
>is there a build download (zip file or what have you) for all Freelance
>Traveller issues, or do they need to be downloaded one at a time?
Just mark the issues that you want to download, and select 'download' from
the three-dots menu above the listing. You can mark all hundred-odd by
clicking on any one issue and then Ctrl-A, or you can select specific
issued with Ctrl-Click.
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Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
The Electronic Fan-Supported Traveller® Resource
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