Re: [TML] [Freelance Traveller] November/December 2024 issue posted for download! Jeff Zeitlin (22 Nov 2024 23:38 UTC)

Re: [TML] [Freelance Traveller] November/December 2024 issue posted for download! Jeff Zeitlin 22 Nov 2024 23:38 UTC

On Sat, 23 Nov 2024 09:22:30 +1300, Nicole Susans wrote:

>So when do you want submissions for the next issue?

I did get what you sent, and am trying to answer the question "it fits, but
where?", but to answer the question asked, I generally want to have
anything for a given issue "in hand" no later than two weeks before the
cover date (e.g., mid-December for the January/February issue), and the
more lead time, the better, because it gives me a better chance to ensure a
good mix of articles (which means that I might take an article sent
theoretically for one issue, and hold it over for the following if, for
example, it's a House Rule and I already have two or three of those). Also,
size matters (to me, not to you), and may be a reason to shuffle a
submission off into an issue after the one it was originally submitted for.

I also tell authors not to rush their work _just_ to get it in by the
preferred date; take whatever time you need to give it the treatment you
feel it deserves. We've been here for over 120 issues; not planning on
shutting down any time soon...

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Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
    The Electronic Fan-Supported Traveller® Resource

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