On 06Nov2024 0502, kaladorn at gmail.com (via tml list) wrote:
> I was looking at building the 3000 dTon (ish) Scholar-Class Starship.
> I looked at old HG and the stuff from the original ship building and
> found some problems. I haven't built a Traveller ship outside of
> MegaTraveller since probably the 1990s and I'm finding it frustrating.
> My vision of the build:
> J-3, Thrust-2, no offensive weaponry (maybe some sandcasters), fuel for
> a jump 3 though most of the time it would expect to do J-1 or J-2.
> I wanted good sensors (if it was built in a version that cares about that).
> I wanted to have a few shuttles/pinnaces that can pickup would-be
> scholars or take the ship's experts off the ship for various reasons. I
> thought maybe 2-3.
> The shape based on the known dimensions suggests either a flattened
> cylinder, or a long sort of rectangle. Fuel skimming might be okay, but
> maybe it should be done with the pinnaces/shuttles?
> Knowing the crew requirements would be important to.
> If someone could knock up a design like that, with the relative systems
> and their space requirements, then I should be able to then look at what
> facilities of a scholarly vein can fill up the rest or at least take a
> stab at it.
Using LLB2 (1981):
I assumed civilian crew quarters (one stateroom per crew member) - up to
about 50 DTons could be recovered by putting most of the crew in double
rooms. No armament is fitted here, but there's space for two turrets.
Hangar space for two 40-DTon small craft (e.g. pinnaces) and one 50 DTon
craft (e.g. a cutter) is provided, plus 30 DTons for a spare cutter
module (thus allowing one for carrying a vehicle, and a fuel module).
As refuelling via the cutter would take ages (940 tonnes of fuel at 30
tonnes per trip), she's streamlined.
There's a Model 3 computer, which is enough to run the ship.
The engines give M-2 and J-4 (there's no standard drive that gives J-3
to a 3,000 DTon hull), but fuel only for a jump-3, plus the usual one
month's general fuel.
This leaves 1475 DTons over for whatever you want - almost half her
volume. I would start with a decent sized computer for the science staff
to use, so they don't have to interfere with normal ship operations when
they want to do some heavy number crunching.
Remember to add medics and possibly stewards as the number of occupants
Here's the breakdown of components:
Component Notes Size Price (MCr)
Hull 3000 DT Custom 3000 30
Power Plant Z 125 240
Manoeuvre Drive X 45 92
Power Plant Z 70 184
Jump Fuel 900
PP Fuel 40
Bridge 60 15
Computer Model 3 3 18
Hardpoints 2 2
Sub-craft Pinnace x2 80
Cutter 50
Module 30
Crew Staterooms 30 120 15
Passengers 0 0
Cargo 0 0
Streamlining 30
Totals Dtons remaining: 1475
Price 624
Architect's Fees 6.24
Overall Price MCr 630.24
Required Crew:
Pilot 1
Navigator 1
Engineer 7
Steward 0 +1 per 8 high passengers
Medic 1 +1 per 120 passengers
Gunner 0 +1 per turret mounted
Sub-craft pilots 3
Commander 1
XO 1
Admin 3
General Spacehands 12
Total 30
Note that the rules say a 3,000 DTon ship should have at least 30 crew,
so I added a 'general spacehand' category for crew needed to reach this
total. Thus as gunners, medics, stewards, and possible extra pilots and
drivers are added they can come out of that pool, and the total crew
will stay at 30 until more than a dozen extra positions have to be filled.
Rupert Boleyn <xxxxxx@gmail.com>