Re: [TML] Imperial Army vs Imperial Navy (two questions)
Jeff Zeitlin 31 Oct 2024 15:57 UTC
On Thu, 31 Oct 2024 06:31:35 +0000 (UTC), Phil Pugliese wrote:
>My opinion of Doug's 'view' was similar to yours but Doug made no bones
>about his 'view' of his cherished masterwork.He claimed that it was
>Universal Canon, certified by MM & the Inner Circle.As such it was Gospel &
>any deviation was not to be tolerated.Even though it arguably contradicted
>previous Canon & was contradicted by info in SJG's (the publisher of the GF
>supp) own TNS Dispatches.
This is exactly what I mean about using CANON! to beat someone over the
head - you do that, even if you're an Author, and you're automatically
wrong. And I'd go so far as to suggest that even if you can Give the
Imprimatur, if you use that to beat people over the head about a One True
Way to play, you're still wrong.
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