Why is the Imperium hostile to the Zhodani Consulate? Jeff Zeitlin (01 Aug 2024 17:26 UTC)
Re: [TML] Why is the Imperium hostile to the Zhodani Consulate? Jeffrey Schwartz (01 Aug 2024 18:21 UTC)
Re: [TML] Why is the Imperium hostile to the Zhodani Consulate? Rupert Boleyn (04 Aug 2024 05:14 UTC)
Re: [TML] Why is the Imperium hostile to the Zhodani Consulate? NotKnown AtThisAddress (02 Aug 2024 11:32 UTC)

Re: [TML] Why is the Imperium hostile to the Zhodani Consulate? Rupert Boleyn 04 Aug 2024 05:14 UTC

On 04Aug2024 0913, ewan at quibell.org.uk (via tml list) wrote:
> Phil, I’d have to agree with you that the Imperium is diverse and the
> Consulate abhors diversity.
> Embracing diversity, is probably a bit too far however in my view. Can’t
> be arsed as long as the money keeps coming in is likely closer.
> In the Consulate they absolutely believe that their way is the best way,
> and if you don’t agree with them they re-program your brain to make you
> happy.

As long as you're not disruptive and not unhappy I don't think they mind
some disagreement. Things changed over time, but Supplement 11 - Library
Data (N-Z) says this about the Consulate:

"Morality: The Zhodani have a general distaste for other human races
which do not practice psionics. Effective indoctrination and
ever-present possibility that one's mind is being read have removed
dishonesty and deviance as common features of society. Disagreements
still occur, competition thrives, passions flare. But all takes place in
an atmosphere of honesty and truth. Individuals can express their
feelings without fear and problems are openly dealt with. In non-psionic
societies, much is kept secret within the mind. A Zhodani visiting the
lmperium would be appalled by the deviousness and dishonesty that
pervades society."

That's not mass re-programming. They probably simply don't have enough
skilled and powerful telepaths to do that to everyone anyway.

What they're doing is trimming the disruptive extremes back in a
relatively humane way. The Imperials set the borders further out, but
are far less humane in dealing with those who transgress - and some
Imperial worlds are much worse than the Consulate.

> In the Imperium they don’t give two hoots about what you believe or how
> you live your life, but if you piss them off (cross their line (not
> yours)) or you have something they want they kill you and take
> everything that you have.
> So one would be an oppressive socialist state, the other would be an
> oppressive mafia state. I’m not saying that they are not that much
> different; I’m saying that they are fundamentally different.
> Which one is better? (If you’re not in the ruling elite); be oppressed,
> yup that’s a given, but die free or live happy? And that for me is the
> existential question …

It's reasonably clear which one is a better setting for free-wheeling
adventures amongst the stars...

Rupert Boleyn <xxxxxx@gmail.com>