Re: [TML] Why is the Imperium hostile to the Zhodani Consulate?
Rupert Boleyn 04 Aug 2024 05:04 UTC
On 04Aug2024 0249, Phil Pugliese - philpugliese at (via tml
list) wrote:
> The 3I is inestimably a much, much better place.
I think the inhabitants of Bayse would not be so quick to say that:
Diaspora 0310 Bayse X6859B8-4 Hi 505 K1V
By the way, it's red-zoned for whatever reason, so even those who can
afford to (not many), can't leave.
Narquel, a few jumps down the main, is at least a high-tech hellhole, so
you might be comfortably oppressed. Somehow I don't think the vast
majority on Narquel have much of that freedom of expression you say the
Imperium allows.
Diaspora 0709 Narquel A3109DG–E Hi In Na 503 K4V
Note that if they aren't allowed to leave (and it's canon that worlds
can control access to the starports if they want), they've nowhere to go
- the world is next to airless.
The Consulate is more consistent, the Imperium a complete crap shoot,
and for the vast majority of its subjects I'm not convinced it's any better.
Rupert Boleyn <>