Re: [TML] Service nicknames
Jeff Zeitlin 15 Jun 2024 00:43 UTC
On Sun, 9 Jun 2024 15:12:01 -0700, Jim Vassilakos wrote:
>I've heard that members of the US Coast Guard are called Coasties, and
>members of the US Navy are referred to as Squids. What such nicknames might
>be used to refer to members of the Imperial Army, Navy, Marines, and Scout
Any Imperial Marine who has made an insertion via 'drop' will accept the
epithet 'fireball' with pride. While not part of the official uniform,
'fireballs' who choose to wear a small pin depicting a fireball (the most
common depiction is a circle with flames streaming off in one direction)
below their name tag/name plate will not be 'dinged' for uniform
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Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
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