Re: [TML] Something to think about in your world-building...
Jeff Zeitlin 24 May 2024 11:57 UTC
On Fri, 24 May 2024 08:27:42 +0100, James Catchpole wrote:
>On Fri, 24 May 2024, 00:02 Jeff Zeitlin - editor at
>(via tml list), <> wrote:
>> 20: Cites to contrary: Madonna (American entertainer). Péle (Brazilian
>> sports star).
>Also violations of 1, and possibly 2,3 and 4. Madonna is actually the first
>part of her birth name, which may also still be *a* legal name for her
>(you'd have to ask her and/or her lawyer to be sure, I guess). Pele is a
>nickname he almost universally used, but he still had his original name.
I wasn't aware that Madonna was part of her birth name; I do know that
performance names are usable as legal names for members of several
Hollywood performer unions.
I might be mistaken, but during his heyday, I was given to understand that
Péle was in fact his (entire) legal name, and that he had come from one of
the Brazilian cultures that (at the time) typically used only one name.
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