Re: [TML] First Type-S art?
Rupert Boleyn 16 May 2024 09:29 UTC
On 16May2024 1912, pvernon2001 at (via tml list) wrote:
> I found a version in “Starships and Space Craft” by Judges Guild.
> There is no date on the copy in Apocrypha 2, but there is an ad in
> the JTAS v 4, 1980 that shows the JG cover with a Suliman.
That ad appears in JTAS 02 as well.
> Also in JTAS v.04, on page 36, is a view of the iconic Type-S
> looking from the stern towards the bow.
> Kurt Feltenberger
My (scanned) version of JTAS 04 has only 34 pages...
JTAS 05, however, has 40 pages, and p.34 has a veiw from above the stern
looking forward, plus the JG ad, plus a preview of JTAS 06's cover,
which is one of the classic Keith drawings of the 'standard' Scout/Courier.
JTAS was published quarterly, and JTAS 04 was the first of 1980,
suggesting that the JG book was published some time around mid-1979
(depending on whether they placed ads before or after they actually had
the product).
Rupert Boleyn <>