Re: [TML] Re: Furious Equines (was 'Need and idiom".
Alex Goodwin 13 Nov 2023 13:00 UTC
On 13/11/23 22:51, NotKnown AtThisAddress - jeffrowse at
(via tml list) wrote:
> Also "Wild Horses" by Nik Kershaw (not quite as old as Phil!!)
> Wild horses wouldn't drag me there
> Wild horses wouldn't make me care
> I know where I belong
> And I've been here too long
> Just my 0.02Cr's worth...
> Jeff (no, the other one. No, not that one either...)
> aka Captain Chicken Leg-end in his own lunchbox
Or, as that great orator, Teal'c, put it during one of the many times he
ran off at the mouth: "Undomesticated equines could not remove me, O'Neill"