TV series and Traveller Trade Routes... Christopher Sean Hilton (03 Sep 2023 18:42 UTC)
Re: [TML] TV series and Traveller Trade Routes... Alex Goodwin (04 Sep 2023 03:39 UTC)
Re: [TML] TV series and Traveller Trade Routes... Harold Hale (05 Sep 2023 00:28 UTC)
Re: [TML] TV series and Traveller Trade Routes... Rupert Boleyn (05 Sep 2023 00:40 UTC)
Re: [TML] TV series and Traveller Trade Routes... Evyn MacDude (06 Sep 2023 00:55 UTC)
Re: [TML] TV series and Traveller Trade Routes... Christopher Sean Hilton (07 Sep 2023 18:32 UTC)
Re: [TML] TV series and Traveller Trade Routes... Jeffrey Schwartz (07 Sep 2023 20:35 UTC)
Re: [TML] TV series and Traveller Trade Routes... greg nokes (07 Sep 2023 20:58 UTC)
Re: [TML] TV series and Traveller Trade Routes... Phil Pugliese (09 Sep 2023 01:15 UTC)
Re: [TML] TV series and Traveller Trade Routes... Evyn MacDude (07 Sep 2023 20:57 UTC)
Re: [TML] TV series and Traveller Trade Routes... Rupert Boleyn (07 Sep 2023 22:51 UTC)
Re: [TML] TV series and Traveller Trade Routes... Christopher Sean Hilton (08 Sep 2023 22:55 UTC)
Re: [TML] TV series and Traveller Trade Routes... Phil Pugliese (09 Sep 2023 05:14 UTC)

TV series and Traveller Trade Routes... Christopher Sean Hilton 03 Sep 2023 18:42 UTC

This morning I got up and I was thinking about routes in Traveller. I'm
specifically thinking about representing routes in a database and the fact
that these routes are effectively a *[mathematical graph.][1]* I'm thinking
that there should be at least two, and possibly three _graphs_ in the

- Trade Routes, or the trade network or graph;
- X-Boat Routes;
- And a possible non-public information network using Jump-5 or Jump-6
  courier ships to judiciously carry information and intelligence for
  the Imperial Royal family, a small subset of their friends, and the
  Military, the _Shadow Intelligence_ network.

I've always assumed that trade routes are bidirectional. A trade route or
_edge_ that connects system A to system B, can be used to travel A --> B or B
--> A. Mathematically, the trade route graph is not _directed_.

[Q] **Is the X-Boat route directed or not?**

[Q] **Would the _Shadow Intelligence_ network be directed?**

## My asumptions:

Either of these graphs can be _directed_ as long have some _cycles_. In a
graph, a _cycle_, is a path, or a set of routes that includes the same node
more than once. A graph without cycles is _acyclic_. If the X-Boat, or Shadow
Intelligence network were _acyclic_ then there would be starships accumulating
at the networks leaf nodes.

### The Shadow Intelligence Network

It actually seems to make sense to me that this network would be a directed
cycle whose main intent was to carry information back the Imperial
Throne. **[Q] has anyone got any thoughts on this?**

## The Context

I'm concurrently watching _[Ahsoka][2]_ and _[Andor,][3]_ two recentish
additions to Disney's Star Wars Universe. I'm also watching _[Foundation][4]_
on AppleTV. Finally, I've also been cleaning up stuff on my computer and I
came across some un-merged work on my Traveller Systems SQL Database regarding
storing and using routes between traveller systems. _Ahsoka_ and _Andor_ are
partially *Intelligence*, as in *CIA*, driven stories. While *Intelligence* is
not as great a factor in _Foundation_, it is important to the plot. Regarding
_Andor_, it's the back story of Cassian Andor from _Rogue One_. In these
tales, he spends much of his time attempting to outrun the knowledge of the
crimes he may or may not have committed against the Empire. This story or at
least elements ought to be familiar territory to both Traveller characters and
referees. In my past campaigns, I've allowed information about player
character deeds and misdeeds to move *at the speed of the plot.* But in the
1980s I didn't have the computer power to know how far ahead of your past
misdeeds a misjump, which stranded you in the middle of nowhere, put you. I'm
on Episode 8 of _Andor_ for those who are watching it now or have seen it. I
won't say anything more on the subject for fear of spoilers.

I'll finish by saying, if anyone here is even later to this party than I am,
then I'd highly recommend:

- _Rogue One_
- _Andor_
- _Foundation_
- _Ahsoka_

are all worthy of a watch if you are looking for seed material for a Traveller
Campaign. _Foundation_ wants a special note. I would say that it's very lously
based on the Asimov novels. That seems to have offended many who've read the
books. In fact, the Foundation novels are really more like a series bible for
the TV show which exists in an alternate universe to the novels. In many
cases, books, especially big Science Fiction Epics, are just unfilmable in
manner faithful to the original work. Asimov's Foundation solidly qualifies as
this type of book with regard to the series. In fact, I would say that there
may be people on this list who started to read _Foundation_ and didn't finish
due to the general lack of action in the novels. I honestly see _Foundation_
as a series of novellas and short stories linked together by being set in the
same Universe. One effect of straying afield of the source material for the TV
series is that the stories while different, "tell much better" on film.



      __o          "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
    _`\<,_           -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton                    [chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]