Re: [TML] [Freelance Traveller] September/October 2023 Posted for Download!
Ingo Siekmann 01 Sep 2023 18:32 UTC
Am 31.08.23 um 09:41 schrieb Timothy Collinson - timothy.collinson at (via tml list):
> PS ObTrav
> Just heard on the radio a wonderful news item. In an effort to stop
> smaller monkeys spoiling some event that's being held in an Indian city,
> the authorities are employing 30 men to imitate larger monkeys and scare
> them off. (They can't use real ones as they did previously due to
> recent animal welfare laws). I'm sure there's at least some
> 'atmosphere' for a Traveller scene in there somewhere!)
> There's a sting in the tail however. Apparently the smaller monkeys are
> quite good at learning that it's a trick...
I wonder how you qualifiy (and apply) for such a job...
But on a related note, a friend, who works for a company with branches
in India, told me about a different take on the monkey problem.
It seems that there are Indian Companys who keep "company monkeys",
Small packs of monkeys are tolerated and even fed on the grounds of a
company, so that they make them to their "turf" and chase away other
Littel Fuzzy, anyone?